Spicy space: Using metaphors & stories with neurodivergent clients

Free2BMe's next Spicy Space conversation is coming up on the 15th June 2024. It will look at how we might use/create metaphors and stories for/with neurodivergent clients.

Discussions are led by attendees but I'll introduce this with a consideration of:

  • How co-created metaphors can help us explain, and understand, our lives without constantly asking clients to dissect their experiences to their constituent parts, so that they can identify individual emotions – something that neurodivergent people often struggle to do.

  • How even client micro-narratives or tiny stories can give us insights into clients world view, self-view and focus

  • Examining client stories - do they indicate a scarcity mindset, or a possibility mindset? Are their stories fixed? Or about growth? Do they give away core values? Considering the type of stories and the words used can help us to help them create more compassionate, future-focused stories about self.

  • How we can use storytelling tools to imagine creatures and people who represent challenges, experiences and aspirations that may be difficult to describe using “emotion” words.

We are a bit low on numbers at the moment, and while these sessions are intentionally kept small to keep conversation comfortable, we need 4 or more to run it. I'd really love to chat about metaphor and story with you, so if you're interested please do sign up here


A-Level results and neurodivergent transitions


Rejection sensitivity dysphoria or Reasonable Response to Rejection