Our directory of therapists and coaches

Use the search to find counsellors, coaches or supervisors or search for a particular area you would like your counsellor to have experience in.

You can also find therapists working face to face, by location, using the map below. Alternatively scroll down to browse the biographies.

All of the listed practitioners have extensive lived and professional experience and have completed additional training in working affirmatively with neurodivergence.

Specialisms include ADHD, autism, dyslexia and specific learning difficulties, pre and post-diagnosis support, trauma informed and creative therapies.

  • From 1st November, you can contact practitioners directly if you are interested in counselling/psychotherapy or coaching.

  • We are still updating our directory following the closure of direct referrals through Free2BMe on 27th October and our transfer to a directory model - if there is a practitioner listed here who does not have contact details, please email info@free2bmetherapyservices.com and we will link you with your preferred therapist/coach

Coaches Web Admin Coaches Web Admin

Anita Hempenius

ADHD Coach

Services offered

Neuroaffirmative ADHD coaching, couples’ coaching for neuromixed relationships, and group coaching for partners of ADHDers



Cost of sessions

Please contact for prices/rates

Current availability?

Weekdays, daytime only

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